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This one helped me in so many ways... I use to ask myself whats wrong with me? when I would feel out of control with certain foods... This book showed me there was nothing wrong with me I was doing exactly what those foods were designed to make me do
about the book...
A New York Times reporter traces the rise of the processed food industry and how addictive salt, sugar and fat have enabled its dominance in the past half-century. He identifies deliberate corporate practices behind current trends in obesity, diabetes and other health challenges.
about the book...
In Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce Meyer guides you through an honest self-appraisal by sharing the trials, tragedies and ultimate victories of her own marriage, family and ministry---including the truth she learned about what she was thinking and feeling every step of the way. You'll gain insight into how Joyce won the battle in her own mind---and how you can as well. This special updated edition includes an additional introduction and updated content throughout the book.
You'll also discover how to:
Find peace and gain control over your mind.
See the truth by thinking correctly.
Use spiritual weapons effectively.
Overcome the 10 wilderness mentalities that hold you in harmful circumstances.
If you're one of millions who suffer from worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger or condemnation, you are experiencing an attack in your mind. Overcoming negative thoughts that come against your mind brings freedom and peace. Find out how to recognize damaging thought patterns and stop them from influencing your life. Don't surrender to misery another day. Find out today what you can do to ensure your victory in the Battlefield of the Mind!
I read this book a few years ago and also did the work book. It is not promoting any specific diet plan at all it really speaks to so much to mindset and how important it is on a weight loss journey
about the book...
The Beck Diet Solution, authored by Dr. Judith S. Beck, uses cognitive and behavioral techniques to teach dieters how to lose weight and continually motivate themselves to maintain their weight loss. It is one of the first books to apply Cognitive Therapy techniques to dieting and permanent weight loss.
I cannot say enough about this book! I accidentally stumbled across it while looking for another book on Amazon. I am so glad I did. This was not just a book I read it is one I continue to go back to.
about the book...
Do you ever feel like you’ll never change? Maybe
you’ve been struggling with the same sin for years. Or you’re stuck in the grip of a negative emotion such as worry, insecurity, or anger. Or you’ve been trying to start a habit or pursue a goal, but it’s not happening. You feel like you’ll never change.
But here’s the truth: God is powerful and He wants to help you. This book is all about going to God for help with transformation. Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 that we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind. In The Renewing of the Mind Project you’ll choose a project—something you’d really like to change—and apply Romans 12:2 to that project. Here are a few of the things you’ll be learning while you work on your project:
How to renew your mind on a practical, day-by-day basis.
How to pray Scripture, using the 250+ verses in this book.
How to visit with God about your project, using the 48 sets of questions in this book.
How to truth journal.
As you work with God on your project, you’ll not only gain victory in that area of your life, you’ll also grow closer to God and more dependent on Him. And what could be better than that?
About the book...
Do you ever feel like you have a million things to do, but you're not doing any of them?
Do you make a to-do list, then promptly lose it or ignore it? Do you accomplish lots of little tasks but ignore the important ones? Do you suspect you’ll never get caught up? If you're a procrastinator, you know how hopeless that feels.
Thankfully, God can help you overcome procrastination! The Bible tells us we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind. This works for anything we want to change, including overcoming procrastination.
The question is, how do you renew your mind about procrastination? That's one of the questions we'll be answering in Freedom from Procrastination.
The book includes:
Bibles studies to help you explore why you procrastinate and how to overcome it. As you see how people like Moses, Jonah, and Jesus handled the things they didn’t feel like doing, you’ll see how you can handle those things.
Productivity tips to help you attack procrastination from a practical perspective.
To-do lists to help you develop the habit of making and finishing a realistic to-do list each day.
Renewing activities to help you renew your mind when everything in you is shouting, “I’ll do it later!” This will make you actually want to do your dreaded task or habit – or at least not mind doing it.
Do you eat when you’re bored? Or when you're worried or stressed out? Is it something you do for fun or to avoid doing something else? If so . . . the truth will set you free!
In this Bible study, you’ll get hands-on experience with taking off the lies that make you overeat and putting on the truth that will set you free from the control of food. Through daily Bible studies and practical renewing-of-the-mind tools such as truth journaling and Scripture prayers, you’ll develop a habit of going to God rather than food for help with life.
The author also has a website and podcast that will encourage you as you go to God for help with breaking free from the control of food.